Zoo Keeper Training programmeat the Kamala Nehru Zoological Gardens, Ahmedabad
A ten day annual workshop for animal keepers on various issues and themes like education, animal husbandry, enrichment programmes, zoonotic diseases etc. is organized every year by Kamala Nehru Zoological Garden populary known as the Kankaria Zoo. This is in collaboration with the Central Zoo Authority. (CZA)
CEE is always invited to take session on ‘Role of Animal Keepers,as Interpreters and the importance of Making friends with Zoo visitors'.
A group of about 30 animal keepers from northern and western part of India participated in the workshop.
Few activities were conducted with the participants and various interesting discussions took place, which was followed by a question and answer session
Sounds of the Jungle, an activity making them mimick some popular animal calls and then trying to identify their relevant partner was an ice-breaker activity. After having identified their partners, each one was to introduce their partner. This activity loosened up everyone and everyone enjoyed the activity.
The second activity – The team was divided into four groups, each group consisting about 6-7 animal keepers and each group was told to identify one conservation message/theme that they would want to communicate to the visitor, having a strong conservation message.
Discussions within each group |
After deliberations and discussions within each group, each of the groups came up with vital and yet interesting messages targeted at the zoo visitor. They expressed their thoughts and ideas through the medium of charts. The charts were to be designed as signages that would be put up in the zoo.
It was very encouraging and enriching to see that the keepers who are closely interacting with the animals day in and day out are very passionate about their animals. They are equally concerned about how visitors behave in the zoo, and what should be some of the conservation messages targeted at the visitor
Many of them also make it a point to check the visitor if he/she is teasing the animals and make him/her understand why they souldn't to that and how it harms the animals.
Targetting the Zoo visitor - Charts with conservation messages |
Some of the conservation messages were:
Avoid using plastic carry bags
Do not litter and take back your trash
Respect Mother Nature and all its creatures |